Friday, July 4, 2008

Local Birds

I love living in an area where there is such a variety of birds to watch.
Both of these photos are mine, taken as the opportunity presents itself.
The eagle was in the field across the street from our home in late March, and the birds in the nest were on our porch this past April.
There are two swallows nests on our porch and we normally have 2 to 3 families of swallows in residence each summer. The second photo is not the normal swallow family. I think they might be pine grosbeak, judging from Mac's Field Guide. At any rate, we love the swallow families and the natural mosquito control they provide, as well as the chance to view nature from our windows.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Beetles & birds, looks like you have a little Charlotte Mason in you after all, my friend.

So sorry to hear about Norb's uncle, but it does sound like it was a peaceful passing on.

Love ya,