Saturday, June 14, 2008

Coming Attractions!

We were once again at that grueling auction the other day. After searching through the acre of table tops, Norb let me know that there wsa one box on one table that he was interested in, with some old books in it.
He was able to get that box, and they will be going up over the next few days. There is a cookbook from the 1770's and a set of books covering English history, dating back to late 18th or early 19th century, as well as one (or perhaps a pair?) about the French Revolution and the battles that came about as a result. Very nice antique books, so keep an eye on the auctions.

There are also some folk art items that are in the queue this week.

Norb will be on the road on Sunday with a van full of things to go to live auction in Georgia. It is time for these items to find new homes a few states away. He will meet them somewhere in North Carolina so that will take him all day and at least three tanks of gas.



My Little Nest said...

How interesting it must be to attend various auctions! My hubby and I love antique stores, but we're afraid to start the
"auction thing" as we hav nowhere or no reason to start going! By the way, Congratulations to your (handsome) son and his new bride!

Donna Cooper said...

Looking...waiting...longing...hoping for a new post from Ria. It's been over a WEEK!

Marie said...

Auctions are fun! It takes some practice to understand the auctioneer's patter, but I love to go to them. They can be full of surprises.
Oddly enough, we aren't really collectors of anything in particular. We enjoy owning wonderful things for a short time, admiring the workmanship and design and patina, and then happily sending them on to new homes.

CCGAL said...

I've only ever been to our local 4-H Soup Supper and Country Auction, but one year I wasn't in the kitchen and I got so excited I bid against myself on an item I really, really wanted. (I won it, LOL)

I am very much interested in eBay as a potential source of income, but so far my experience hasn't been all that great. It seems most of the people I've been in contact with make more money selling information about how to make money on eBay than on eBay auctions themselves.

I like your eBay presence and your blog. I'm sure you'll be hearing from me again. **smile**