Friday, June 6, 2008

The Auction Life Continues

As professional ebay sellers, we are constantly on the prowl for the next great item to list. Norb has come to prefer auctions as his favorite venue for getting the most stuff the fastest. Each auction has its own atmosphere and ways of doing things.

The auction we went to the other day is a fun one, but grueling. There is no seating and very little is set aside as if to stand out. It is up to the auction goers to dig through tables and tables to sniff out treasure from mountains of junk, and at some points will have 4 or 5 auctioneers calling out the goods at the same time. Norb has become really adept at spotting good stuff amoungst the yard sale leftovers, while I have to look a little more closely.
I have seen tables full of glassware go for $2. I guess those flea market merchants are buying at the same auction.

There exists in the world heaps of homeless stuff that goes from yard sale to auction to flea market back to auction, maybe on to another yard sale and on and on. Norb recently bought at our favorite auction in St. Marys, GA, a painting that rang a familiar bell in his head. He knew that he had seen it before, and thought that indicated a well known piece with value. He paid $77 for it and listed it on ebay, even though he could find nothing about it in his research. Sometime during the run of the auction, he realized that the reason it triggered a memory was that he had owned it years before, determined that it had no value, and sold it, putting it into the auction circuit of homeless items. It sold for 99 cents, and I personally hope that I never see it again.

1 comment:

Donna Cooper said...

I am needing a Depends right now! HOW FUNNY!
I needed that laugh tonight and I love the way you told the story!
