Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Warning! Guard Wasps!

The house closest to us is vacant, and the owner has asked us to keep an eye on it, which we don't mind doing. He has planted some fruit trees that are near our fence, and last year, the fruit went unharvested.
That seemed sad to me, so I went to take a look at the trees today.
The first tree is loaded with pears. The branch shook as I removed one, and that triggered the unintended security system installed by the local wasp community! Really, the kind that fly and have stingers!
I stood still, hoping that they would loose interest in me. No, that didn't work. How about holding the bag in front of my face. The intimidation continued. I tried stooping down in the three foot tall ragweed surrounding the trees. The onslaught followed me down, but still none of them have actually stung me. However, they were sending a clear message.
I am such a wimp. I took off, with the single pear in my bag.

It isn't anywhere near ripe. I don't really like pears that much anyways.


Donna Cooper said...

You missed the punchline...

"It must have been a sting operation" hahahahaha

Honestly, so glad you didn't get hurt!

When ARE you coming to visit me anyway?????


Marie said...

Ah, Donna, I can only wish for your wit!


Donna Cooper said...


Thanks so much for leading me to "Because I Said So". I've laughted so hard reading her site today...I just love it!

I've added her to my blogroll too.

Great stuff!!


Christine said...

Yikes!! I don't like pears either. Is it because we had a pear tree in our yard growing up? No, I don't think that has much to do with it...the taste is okay, it's more the texture I don't like.

Marie said...

There was a pear tree in the yard where I grew up, and every year in late summer, we had to avoid the area because of the wasps.

Christine is totally correct about the texture!

Maybe we grew up with the same tree? ;-) Well, yes we did. Just slightly different years, little sister!