Monday, August 4, 2008

My Rant About Oil

Has the national debate on oil begun yet?

How often have you heard the phrase, "We can't drill our way out of this problem!"
Does that make any sense?
It is time to stop the foolishness of the talking point crowd.

The energy resources of the United States is not in short supply. Too many years of policy by politicians who, for some unknown reason, consider oil to be evil, (What's the deal with that?) have left this country hostage to other countries for our energy needs. Canada and Mexico are great suppliers of oil to the United States. We share the same continent. Doesn't it make sense that we also have oil supplies? But you wouldn't know it to listen to the anti oil forces.

"Use it or loose it," we hear them say. If oil is in the small percentage of land where drilling rights have been granted, then companies whose business it is to find oil would be all over it. Just granting a lease does not make oil appear there.
Another obstacle is the courtroom. Lawsuits are constantly being filed by left wing groups to stop the drilling and production.

The money that we have showered on the Middle East to buy their oil for decades is being used against us. They seem to have designs on countries that have oil reserves, and are working to insert their ideology and anti US sentiments into the governments where ever possible. It is time to use US dollars to bring US energy to the US market.

I want to cheer on the Republicans in the House who continued last week after adjournment, despite the lights and cameras being turned off. Keep up the good work, Congressmen!

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