Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Day of Remembrance

September 11 is one of those days that people remember what they were doing when they heard of the terrible events of the day. The images on our TVs were more like an action movie than news but the reality seared our sense of complacency. Our day stood still, waiting for it all to end, the lights to turn back on and go back to our lives. Unbelievable as it was, this was actually taking place, not just special effects on a silver screen.

Think about that morning, when we heard about one plane after another hitting first the World Trade Center, then the Pentagon, and finally we heard of the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. As the morning went on, we didn't know how many more there would be.

I don't recall how long it was before we began to hear of the passengers on flight 93 and how they fought back to stop their plane from striking the target intended by the hijackers. Their bravery and resolution, knowing that they were in a no win situation for themselves, speaks volumes of the American spirit. I feel a sense of pride whenever I see think about what it must have been like on that plane. They fought back.

One of the things that September 11 did for us was to, for too short of a time, erase political divisions. We were, all of us, under attack. No passes were issued because on party affiliation. They want to kill us because we are Americans.

Over and over again, the talking heads asked why they hated us so much? Was it poverty? Foreign policy? I think that the clearest answer was also the simplest. Our two greatest national sins (in the minds of the Islamic radicals) are our support for Israel and because we are not Islamic.
The powers that be decided that we should no longer view any pictures or videos of the planes hitting the towers. But should we fall back into sleepiness and forget the threat that is still out there?

The unity we felt that day has faded away back into partisanship, especially at this time as a national election rages on.
We cannot afford to forget that the ideology that gave us September 11 has not been subdued. Continued vigilance will be required. The fact that we have not been hit again in such a manner is not by happenstance.

Never Forget.

Please pray for our leaders.

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